We came to Bangkok a month early for 3 days to run an experiment to see if 2 privates a day and training at the very rigorous Dejrat Gym in the evenings, added to watching, recording and uploading video commentary was even feasible. It was going to be both psychologically and physically draining, and it turned out that I could handle it. This was the first Karuhat session of the 1st of those three days. If you are new to my work with Karuhat you can find multiple full sessions with commentary already in the Patreon Muay Thai Library project.
Note: The video above had an audio issue, this is a new copy all fixed.
join, support & study over 40 documented hours of video with commentary in the Muay Thai Library. $5 patrons receive a 15% discount on Sylvie Study On Demand video, and $15 patrons receive 50% off.