Stepping Hard & Reading | Episode 4 Karuhat Secrets of Style | 101 min

I say "stepping hard" but that's what I needed to do, but didn't - lots of lessons in reading though

Episode 4. Above is an extended clip, but you can watch the full 101 minute commentary video of this session on Vimeo On Demand. Purchase of the video lends support to legends of the ring as Karuhat gets 55% of the net proceeds; patrons get a substantial discount (you can purchase Episode 4 after the trailer below, or look to Episode 3 in the full list):

Stepping Hard & Reading – Karuhat Intensive Day 6 from Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu on Vimeo.

This session was a bit of an emotional struggle for me. I just could not get myself, at this point, to step properly on the kick, so I was losing distance. It was a huge wake up call though to a very important element in Karuhat’s style, the punctuated kick at the right moment. He introduces a kind of half gallop switch step which comes off of the forward check to partially address this distance issue. Karuhat also works with me on the body shot to kick fake/extension designed to punish and control against the ropes, which is a beautiful technique example of his elastic attack.

Free VideosFull SessionsKaruhat IntensiveVideo On Demand

My dedication is to the study of Muay Thai and the preservation of its techniques and culture as both a fighter and a journalist-documentarian. In my 6+ years of living in Thailand I have fought more than 200 times, more than any western man or woman.
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